kids greece

Legal Stuff

We at Kids Greece are trying our best to keep all information within the Kids Greece website as accurate and up to date as possible. We ask that you check the websites or contact the businesses or people directly regarding the latest prices, dates, opening times and other relevant information. We do not accept responsibility for wrong information on the website.

Our sincere apologies for any inconvience caused by incorrect information on the website. Whilst Kids Greece cannot take any responsbility for incorrect information on the Kids Greece website or any problems caused by that information, please contact us so we can make adjustments to the information to avoid further problems and/or inconviences.

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Kids Greece reserves the right to alter and modify adverts and information as they see fit.

Kids Greece accepts no responsiblity for people impersonating Kids Greece employees for their own personal gain or any other reason. Please feel free to contact Kids Greece to check the validity of Kids Greece employees.

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Please respect the Kids Greece website and use it for what it is supposed to be - an informative website for English speaking visitors and inhabitants to make living, holidaying and finding information just that little bit easier, thanks


Kids Greece would like to thank Wikipedia for essential information regarding the districts in Greece, continue your valued work!



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Note: Some attractions have strict age & height restrictions. For many attractions the ages given are a suggestion, take into account the abilities and the individuality of your children accordingly.

© Kids Greece 2024